About The Challenge

About The Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert Challenge

The Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert Challenge is the ultimate adventure challenge. For nine days, bold Youngcare supporters will take on a 230km journey across the desert, bearing over many sand dunes and harsh weather conditions.

The completely isolated environment, and tough conditions, where there is little control over personal choice, provides a striking reflection of the challenges that young people with complex physical disabilities face on a daily basis. The trek's daily mental and physical struggles simply pale in comparison. 

Information Brochure

Location: Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert

The Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert is right at the heart of Australia, a vast landscape with harsh weather and endless horizons. The desert spans the corners of three Australian states: the Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia. It is over 460,000 acres, making it the fourth largest desert in Australia. The surface of the desert is mostly lightly vegetated, red sand dunes or salt-crusted lakes. The top of each dune is usually windblown sand that is soft underfoot. 


Our fearless trekkers will be trekking approximately  230km over 9 days

Core Message

The completely isolated environment, and tough conditions, where there is little control over personal choice, provides a striking reflection of the challenges that young people with complex physical disabilities face on a daily basis.

How your dollars count:

By trekking or donating to the Youngcare Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert Challenge 2025, you are helping Youngcare to:

·   Build more relevant and age-appropriate housing in Australia
·   Provide information and support via our Youngcare Connect service
·   Provide grants to young people with complex physical disabilities who are at risk of entering aged care to keep them at home, or transition them from aged care back into their community
·   Undertake world-first research to better understand the needs of young people with high physical support needs

Be part of the challenge that has raised over $5.7 million since 2011!

Reflection from a trekker

"We walked 32kms on our first day. It was hot, the flies were out in droves and the sun was relentless. We would stop for a quick lunch. Going to bathroom consisted of finding a small shrub. All dignity and control was gone yet spirits were high.
The physical impact of walking 8 hours per day, over 30km’s each day took its toll by Day 6. We walked 22km on gibber stone by lunchtime, with no end in sight. My achilles aching, an 8 out of 10 pain. Tears streaming down my face. No amount of training or advice prepares you for what we did on a daily basis. No matter how mentally and physically fit you are, the desert is a place that will push you past your limits, further than you ever thought was possible.
The comradery of the 15 trekkers is what helped get me through. I found appreciation for the small things in the desert, like the stars, sunrises, being asked how I slept, a hug after a tough day, some banter, laughs and the need to read social cues.
My experience in the Simpson Desert reminded me what a fortunate life I have led. A beautiful family, great friends, good health, a successful career, there isn’t much more I could hope for. I’m committed to continuing to advocate for Youngcare and helping those who live each day without the choice and dignity they deserve."



About Youngcare

Too many young Australians with complex physical support needs are being left behind. These young people deserve the freedom to live where and how they want — and it’s up to all of us to make that happen.

Youngcare is fighting for choice, independence and dignity for young people with complex physical disabilities, enabling them to choose where they live, who they live with, and how they live their lives.

Youngcare achieves this through developing aspirational Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), advocating for much-needed policy change, delivering vital grants programs, and providing education, guidance and pathways through our free advice line.