Wendy Jones

Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert Challenge 2025

Desert Trek Challenge for YOUNGCARE

To physically and mentally trek 230km over 9 days in one of the world's most demanding environments will be a challenge! 

Endless sand dunes, scorching desert sun and isolation will be conditions that will remove my freedom of choice... no showers, comfortable bed, or luxuries...

This will provide a striking reflection of the challenges that young people with high physical support needs face on a daily basis.

I'm inviting you to join me on this journey to make a difference. Every step I take, will be one step closer to building quality specialist disability homes, providing  grants and creating choice, independence and dignity for young people with complex physical disabilities. 

My genuine passion for the trek, raising funds and  advocacy, comes from being a Registered Nurse, a proud Youngcare Board Director, personal connection and experiencing surgery, exclusion and rehabilitation from a significant leg injury.(years ago and fully recovered!) 

Your donation will directly impact the lives of young people with high care needs.


Youngcare is a national not-for-profit revolutionising the way young people with high care disability live-with freedom, dignity and choice. 



My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Thank you to my Sponsors


Woodley Foundation

Wendy … John and I “The Woodley Foundation“ are thrilled to support your incredible journey across the Simpson Desert to raise funds for Youngcare. Your dedication to helping vulnerable people is truly inspiring. We wish you all the best on this challenging but rewarding adventure.


Cr Penny Wolff

You got this Wendy! Proud of you! Backing you all the way ❤


Scott And Louise

This is such a valuable cause Wendy,. Thank you for bringing it to our attentiom


Thread And Bead Sisters (aka Olivia And Claudia Campbell)

We are super proud of you Wendy, good luck with the trek and we are cheering for you.


Sharyn & Stuart Tidswell

Wow! Good on you, Wendy. Hope this cheers you on some of the way 👟🏃🏼‍♀️


Helena Sandford

All the best Wendy. Happy to support you and this worthwhile cause x



Your Doing great things