Windsor House (St. Joseph's College Gregory Terrace)

Budgie Bolt 2024

We're taking on the Budgie Bolt - a 5km all inclusive event in June!

Our team is taking on the Budgie Bolt to support Youngcare, a charity doing wonderful things for young people with complex physical disabilities.

Every year throughout Australia, thousands of young people with complex physical disabilities are being left behind in places like aged care, rehabilitation centres and institutional homes. This is not good enough and is not right! Youngcare is fighting for freedom, dignity and choice for young people with high physical support needs to choose where they live, who they live with, and how they live their lives.

Please donate to my fundraising page. You can make a real and genuine difference to young Aussies with physical disabilities! All donations are tax-deductible and will directly support young people with physical disabilities.

If you want to register for the Budgie Bolt, you can sign up on Youngcare's website here: Come join me, it will be a fantastic day raising funds for a great cause!

Thank you to our Sponsors



Well done Team Windsor!!



Go Windsor Warriors!


Charmaine Kai




Suzi & Leo Kim

Go Nick!!!


Nash Canniffe


Edison Canniffe


Anthony Hayward


Anna Wright

Thanks for running for Youngcare


Trouchet Family

Run hard boys!!



Run Nash run



Run Eddie run


Shane & Mary Canniffe

Go hard EDDIE


Grandma & Grandad Canniffe

Go hard Nash man.


Edward Anderson


Janelle Black

Go Windsor House!


Hamish Hill


Jessica Kim

good luck nick!!


Pasetti Fanilg

All the best George! Smuggle those budgies for a good cause.


Tracey Brock

Good work George! Thank you for all that you are doing to supporting young Australians with disabilities. Best of luck with your run! Tracey Brock


Aunty Melsa

Run like lightning Georgie!! FINISH HARD ⚡️


Carly Miller

Congrats George, great cause!


Sue Atkinson


Mcavoy Family


Sam Bell

Yes Kimmy


Jody Barr


Fifths Xi Football

Good stuff keep it up🙏🙏🙏


Patrick Townsend


Ethan Leech


Julia Joseph

Great cause George - enjoy the run buddy!


Liam Caynes


Alex Mcavoy

Good Luck!


Aunty Catherine

Good Job Georgie x


Tom Healy

lessgo kimmy