George Joseph Youngcare Budgie Bolt

Budgie Bolt 2024

I’m taking on the Budgie Bolt - a 5km all inclusive event in June!

I am proudly running the 5km Budgie Bolt for Youngcare. Youngcare is a charity that supports young Australians with complex physical disabilities fight for their freedom of choice. Freedom to choose where they live, who they live with, and how they live their lives.

Please spare $5 and donate to my fundraising page. All donations are tax-deductible and will directly support young people with physical disabilities. Thank you. George Joseph GT24

My Achievements

Uploaded a Profile Pic

Shared Page


Reached Fundraising Goal

Created a Team

Thank you to my Sponsors




Anna Wright

Thanks for running for Youngcare


Pasetti Fanilg

All the best George! Smuggle those budgies for a good cause.


Tracey Brock

Good work George! Thank you for all that you are doing to supporting young Australians with disabilities. Best of luck with your run! Tracey Brock


Aunty Melsa

Run like lightning Georgie!! FINISH HARD ⚡️


Carly Miller

Congrats George, great cause!


Sue Atkinson


Jody Barr


Julia Joseph

Great cause George - enjoy the run buddy!


Aunty Catherine

Good Job Georgie x